Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We're Back (and I'm Back)

First of all, let me apologise to those of you who have been checking my blog, but only to find no updates over the past couple of weeks. Sorry I have been slack on my blogging.

Last night, we returned home after our wonderful, relaxing and fun family vacation to Myrtle Beach. We had a crazy summer and we really didn't get a chance to get away as a family - even for a short weekend camping trip. So, Thursday afternoon, we picked Trinity up early out of school and headed off to meet Michael, Amy and Bryce for lunch before we got on the road. After a long drive, we finally arrived at our hotel. We all ran right out to the balcony to take in our first view of the ocean, sound of the waves and smell of the beach! Too soon, we put the kids to bed and Amy and I headed out to a nearby store to grab the needed groceries for the weekend. The fun was set to begin the next day!

I always love doing my quiet times in the midst of nature. Whether it's in the mountains or by the ocean, I adore hearing bits and pieces of God's creation and coming together with all of nature to worship our Creator. I can't imagine what it feels like to hear the complete symphony of nature singing its praise!!! That being said, I loved waking up in the morning and being able to spend time with God and in His Word listening to the amazing pounding of the ocean.

To sum up the weekend, we had a great time. The hotel we stayed at had a great kids' pool which brought forth tons of fun throughout the weekend. We also had lots of fun (and some tears) with the ocean. Trinity mustered up the nerve to enjoy the waves. Xander simply went along as deep as anyone would carry him but also had a blast dancing in the surf - and got pretty good at holding his balance when the waves hit. Kalyn had great fear with the waves, they really scared her. She did get to the point where she could stand at the edge and let them barely touch her toes, though. They all had a blast playing and digging in the sand!

With any good beach trip, we got to enjoy some putt-putt and a couple of delicious dinners out. We all went out together one night to a yummy seafood buffet and then flipped child-watching duties with Michael and Amy to give us each one date night.

We had a great weekend. While looking at the pictures today, Kalyn asked if we could go back. Unfortunately, not soon enough, baby! Enjoy our little video montage from the weekend!!