Thursday, September 4, 2008

MOPS, Spiritual Thoughts & Softball

I am really excited about Friday. It is our kickoff day for a new year of MOPS. This year I am diving into a new role (I've seen a theme for this year) of Discussion Group Leader. In the past, I have always been willing to step in when my table's DGL was out for a meeting, but now I'm officially becoming a DGL. I've gotten my list of ladies who will be at my table for the year. I am excited about encouraging them in their spiritual walk - where ever that is, right now. I am looking forward to sharing Christ's love with them. What a year it's going to be and I am very glad that God is allowing me to be a part of it.

This morning during my quiet time, I got to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 which reads, "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Here's what hit me as I meditated on this scripture - we (or at least I) try to fight against the world. After all, as "strong, growing, maturing Christians" it's what we're "supposed" to do - stand up against the world and all it has to offer. The problem is that we go about it in the wrong way. I think we fight the world with the same tactics that the world uses against us. However, this verse very clearly states that we are not to use the weapons of the world. We have amazing, powerful, divine weapons. It struck me that if (and when) we try to use the tactics of the world to fight the world then we are really falling into the trap of the world - we end up fighting their battle, and in the end, not really fight against them at all. We have to be strong enough to step back and take advantage of the power God fills us with as His followers. (If that is totally confusing to you, I'm sorry. I'll be glad to try and explain it better - but somehow that made sense in my mind.)

Tonight, we got to travel up to Central Park (in Forsyth County - obviously not NY) to cheer on our friend Llew in his team's softball game. This park has a great playground and a fun disc golf course (sorry you didn't get to practice your disc game, Craig). The kids had a great time playing on the playground and then cheering on Llew and the Double-B team! We had to leave before the game was over, but Double-B was ahead. Craig had a great time making some signs in Llew's honor:
Llewser section
Llewt & Pillage!!
Llew is Well (spelled backwards)

It's a hit for Llew!!

Cheering on (Uncle) Llew!!!

(however, there was a debate about putting this picture up or the one of Kalyn proudly holding up her sign - sideways)

It was a fun night for all!!!