Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kalyn's Post

Today, Kalyn headed out to her second year of preschool. She's going three days a week and we're both pretty excited about it. She has the same teacher that Trinity had when she was three and I just know she's going to have a great year. Her main concern as she left for school was that she wasn't going to have any fun. However when I picked her up, her fears had been resolved and she told me that she had a great fun day!!

Kalyn cracks me up. She is my little fruitcake (and one day she asked me why I call her that). She is definitely not Trinity - which is such a blessing. She has her own way of looking at just about everything. She's had some gems of quotes recently and I thought I'd share them.

Conversation #1: She found a summer program catalog for our local recreation department, which had fireworks on the front. She picked it up and examined it very closely -
Kalyn: Mommy (said with great amazement and wonder), how did we get this?
Me: It came in the mail.
Kalyn: How (same level of amazement and wonder) did we get it from China?
Me: Why do you think it's from China, sweetie?
Kalyn: Because it has the fireworks on it.
(Yep - she loved the opening ceremony of the Olympic games. Now all fireworks are associated with China.)

Conversation #2: While driving to church one morning, we passed a Kids-R-Kids childcare center -
Kalyn: Mommy, can we go play in that playground back there?
Me: No, we can't. That playground is for special kids.
Kalyn: Mommy, God made EVERYONE special. So it's okay, we can play there.

General Comment #1: As we were heading back to hotel room from the beach -
Kalyn: I just can't wait until I get to go to heaven. I'll get to play with God and we can have purses and so much fun.

General Comment #2: Said in the car as we were driving to Myrtle Beach -
Kalyn: Trinity, I don't like it when you take your shoes off. Your feet are stinky. (unfortunately it was true)