Monday, September 22, 2008

Prayer Requests to Pass Along

I am requesting prayer for our friends, Amy and Brad. We all went to college together and over the years, we have grown our families and shared a number of Auburn reunions. I could try to paraphrase her request, but why? Here is a summary of the last couple of emails I have received from her.

Email Dated Sept 11:
Please pray for our youngest child, Grant, who is 12 months old. He has been having seizures and has to go to the Egleston Children's Hospital in Atlanta today for an MRI. He will have to be put under anesthesia for this. Next week he will be seeing a pediatric neurologist. We noticed these seizures about 3 weeks ago and saw our pediatrician. He sent us to have an EEG (a test where they check the brain activity with 24 wires on their head). It took a week to get the results due to the Labor Day holiday, but the test did confirm seizure activity on the left side of the brain. Please pray that God will give us grace and wisdom through this journey. Thank you.

Email Dated Sept 20:
We met with the pediatric neurologist in Macon yesterday and got some bad news. Grant has tuberous sclerosis which means there are many small tubers or nodules in his brain that are causing his seizures. These tubers can also show up his heart, kidneys, retinas, and lungs. The disease can be hereditary, but more frequently shows up sporadically, as seems to be the case with Grant. It occurs in approximately 1 in 6,000 people (we have also heard 1 in 10,000). Right now, Grant's seizures are localized to one area of the brain, but as the tubers grow, the doctor expects them to become more generalized and severe. He is now taking medication to try to prevent/control them; based on the EEG results, the doctor believes that Grant's seizures will worsen even within a few months and that his case will be on the more severe end of the spectrum, making them difficult to control with medicine. The tubers will also grow as his brain grows, and as he begins using his brain for speech, coordination, and the other functions needed for normal growth and development, the tubers will compete with this demand, causing the doctor to predict developmental delays and difficulties for Grant. We are thankful for his expertise and the diligence, honesty, and concern that he showed to us yesterday. We let him know that many people are praying for Grant, and he said that he would need that to make a difference. So we ask you to continue praying for our son and our family.

Even though we don't know what the future holds for Grant....we know God does. We trust God completely with our Grant and what the future holds for him and us. God is good and He is faithful to provide exactly what we need when we need it. In Olivia's Bible lesson today the verse for her to memorize was Psalm 34:1 "I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth." Brad and I seek to praise and glorify the Lord through this journey. We know He is in control.

Please lift up this precious family of 6. Their trust in God and His provision is truly encouraging. Thank you for your support. <><


Anonymous said...


My name is Karen Gilmore, my son also has Tuberous Sclerosis he is now 14 months. I just wanted to share that the doctors always give you worse case scenario, so don't always take to much too heart. I know how difficult it is when you hear the diagnosis, but have faith, be positive and you child will be fine. Please pass on my email address Thank You

Anonymous said...

My name is Kelley & my son also has TS. He is almost 14 mo old. He has seizures everyday that we are working to control. Please feel free to contact me. I will pray for your son. I know the fear you are feeling.
"I can do all things through him who gives me strength" Phillipians 4:13