Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekend Warrior

I have to say it - out loud and for the record, I have a wonderful husband. He works so hard for our family. He puts our family as a top priority. He is a great spiritual leader. He's fun. I love him greatly.

These past two weekends, I have had the opportunity to go out of town with some girlfriends. I had no worries leaving Craig with the kids. I know that all will go smoothly and what doesn't will all work out in the end. It is such a blessing to be able to go away for some time with great friends and not have to worry about how Craig's doing at home. This past weekend, I had another fun time, but we pretty much just relaxed and chatted. The real fun was back at home!

A few weeks ago, Trinity came home with a flyer for her school's Fun Run - a one-mile run/walk around the track at her school to promote fitness and exercise. I thought it would be a fun thing for Trinity and I to do, so I signed us up. I knew it was early (check in was at 7:45) and so I though we could do it, just the two of us. Well, a couple of weeks later, I went to write it on the calendar and realized that it fell when I was out of town - I felt so bad! I talked to Craig and let him know that I could cancel it, or he would need to take all three kids to this event at Trinity's school. He calmly said that he could do it and they'd all go. And go they did. Not only did he do the walk, but he even dressed the two little kids in yellow to match the "official" Fun Run shirt and took pictures along the way!!

Ready to go

Kalyn and Trinity are off

But Xander was a little late on the start
(Craig was smart and started at the back of the pack)

so, he got a little pick-me-up (literally)

Trinity found a friend from her class and began walking with him, but here's three of them at the 3/4 mile marker

At the end of the walk, there were complementary popsicles - given by a neighborhood dentist (yes, you can laugh with me at that irony!)

That afternoon, the kids got their bikes out and rode around our street for a while. I am still amazed at how strong and confident Trinity and Kalyn are getting on their bikes. Xander is still at the point where he really like the idea of riding a bike, only to be completely done with the action of riding a bike about two minutes after starting.
I even came home to a house that had been washed off on the outside and a cleaned car!! Talk about going over and beyond! I tell you I have a wonderful hubby!!!
Thanks Craig - I love you!


Jen Smathers said...

I'm honestly amazed at the matching shirts - that's impressive! Kudos to Craig!