Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kalyn's Post

Our precious middle child is quite a character. I have often said that Kalyn lives in her own world and it's a fun place to be. I'm sure that it must be interesting being in between the first child and the first boy, but she makes it a wild place to be. Over the past few weeks, she has had some memorable comments come out of her mouth and I just have to share them. I have been meaning to blog about them, but I just haven't made the time. Well, the time has come. Welcome to my daily life.

First, some just cute things -
* she calls spaghetti, "skapetti"
* she calls hamburger helper, "hangaburger helper"

Now some wild stories -

* One morning, she woke up and asked if she could "read". (That means can she get up and play her books on CD while she looks at the pictures along with the reading.) I said that she could, as long as she kept quiet. Well, the CD player was turned up a little too loud, so I went in to turn it down. From there, we had tears and sorrowful wails. Therefore, she lost the "reading time" all around and was sent back to bed until breakfast. At that point, in all seriousness with all the sadness and pain she could muster she cries, "You've broken my heart."

* Occasionally while we out, we get to enjoy a "car picnic" - which means picking up fast food and eating it in a parking lot in our car (it's easier than trying to juggle three kids and food with only one adult). Well, one night on our way to church, we decided to have a car picnic - Craig had to be at church early and we didn't want to take two cars. In our attempt to save money (what I am saying, we're just cheap), we always take our kids drinks whenever we go out, so we did the same for this meal. Kalyn was not happy at all with the cup she was given (even though it was the same cup that she had drank out of many times before). Again, there were many tears and sorrowful wails. So, she lost the cup completely. (Do you sense a theme? I think Kalyn still hasn't quite picked up on it.) To this, she responds, "You just don't love me. You don't want me in your family. I want to go live with another family." When I asked which one, she said (through her tears), "Ivey's. I want to go live with Ivey."

(And just for the record, when I told Ivey's dad about Kalyn's request, he quickly told me that they were full.)

I thought these comments were supposed to come closer to the preteen/teenage years, not just out of the toddler years. Oh dear, that light at the end of the tunnel of this parenting things sometimes appears to be getting further and further away.

Now a funny one -

*This morning I was working on getting my things together to go run errands while Kalyn and Xander were playing in Xander's room. All of a sudden I hear some great tears and cries coming from Xander. (I could tell it was more sad and angry than hurt, so I stayed where I was, certain that one or two set of small feet would soon be in to fill me in on the details.) Sure enough, 30 seconds later, Kalyn came in and I asked what had happened. Here's what she said, "Well, Xander and I were both trying to win and I won, so Xander didn't win and now he's just cryin' the blues." Yep, cryin' the blues. Where does she hear this stuff??

Who know what tomorrow will bring?!?


Ashley said...

She is so funny! I love the way she sees things. I'm not sure where she picks it all up but it's great!