Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Break Camping

We love camping. I love the opportunity to get out of the daily grind, away from all the stuff that keeps us hooked in to so much. This year, we took our second annual Chattanooga trip. It works out well! My parents meet us there and take the girls for a few days and we have some big 1-on-1 time with Xander. We're always on the lookout for a new campsite and this year was no differently.

We stayed at a campsite that we knew was near the interstate, but we didn't realize it was on the interstate. Seriously, we walked outside of our camper and about 30 yards away was I-24. After a day or so, we got pretty used to the roar of the cars and trucks. The good thing is that we were also right on the lake and the kids had plenty of room to play. We got to go fishing and take plenty of walks. The kids got lots of opportunities to ride their bikes, which was a huge joy for them. It was great to see how much the girls have improved since last summer! Saturday morning, Craig and the kids were digging for fishing worms along the fence. All of a sudden, they are greeted by a donkey from the other side of the fence. A little bit later, they came across a horse. The kids had a blast feeding both of them with some nearby grass. Gotta love the sudden petting farm. One day, we held a couple of egg huts for the kids. It was cold, so we kept them in the camper most of the day, however we did get them out for a bit of time.

We also got to experience all the seasons in those 5 days. It was in the high 70's on Saturday, raining on Monday, snow flurries on Tuesday and a perfect spring day on Wednesday. We had a great vacation! Enjoy our slide show of the trip!