Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another One Gone

Sunday afternoon, we got home from church and began making lunch for the kids. Craig and I sat them down at the dining room table and began to debate what we were going to have. After a few moments, we heard Trinity making some type of noise from her seat. (Sometimes she likes to play this "game" where she pretends she can't talk and can just grunt and point. I'm not a big fan of this game.) Thinking she was playing, I told her that if she needed something, she needed to use words (we all know that she has plenty of them in her vocabulary). Well, as she came into the kitchen, Craig noticed that her mouth was bleeding. Apparently, she had tried to take a bite of her lunch with her front top tooth - which was loose. That didn't work. About a minute later, the tooth was out. Now we have an adorable toothless grinning girl. She's now having quite fun with her lisp, trying to say as many "S" words as she can.