Monday, June 30, 2008

Painting Fun

Before Craig left, I told Trinity that we would get some special arts and crafts activities to do while he was gone. Well, believe it or not, today was the first chance we had to actually get to one of them. This morning, I put Xander in his crib partly as a time out for screaming and partly because I was taking a shower and didn't want him roaming the house. Well, during that time, he fell asleep which opened up some time with just the girls. So I pulled out some paints and some little plastercraft bugs and we started painting.
It looks like so much fun, I couldn't let them them have all the joy. So, a while later, we all had our own colorful bugs. Trinity suggested that we put them out in the yard. However, about 30 minutes later, Kalyn got a hold of the paints and added her own touches to all the bugs.

Only two more days until our family is complete and together again. We have all missed Craig greatly. I've been able to talk to him a through the week and I've heard a few of the stories, but I am really looking forward to hearing about them in person. And having him back home.