Tuesday, June 24, 2008

In Craig's Words

Craig has been posting some updates and thoughts on his Facebook page. I thought I'd let his words do his talking this morning:

From Sunday night (while he was sitting in Houston):

ok so my passport is a little unpretty but that doesn't seem like reason enough to hold me hostage in houston. i am currently checked in to my hotel for the evening and trying to figure out how to get downtown by 9:3o a.m. to glue my passport cover back together so i can get to quito 24 hours later after much frustration,anguish, and money. i have never taken a cab in my life or been downtown anywhere alone where i had no clue. i don't even go downtown atlanta. i hope to look to see what God is teaching me through this soon but for now i'm just a little bit.... scared to be completely honest.

From Monday night (as he landed in Guayaquil - NOT Quito):

now im stuck in south america in a little hotel build 3000 years ago out of styrofoam. i still can´t change clothes because my suitcases are in quito. i´ll have some great stories to share. a lot less nervous. now it´s just funny. at least they have internet access to entertain me. we fly out to quito (closed due to fog) tomorrow at 8:41 am. on a positive note.. it was a blessing that i got stranded in houston because it has one of the few expedited passport agencies in usa. i got my passport in less than 2 hours. plenty of time for me to get to the airport 6.5 hours ahead of my flight. i decided God needed to put me in time out to remind me that this trip is not about me.

i took my first taxi ride (and second) and it was expensive as was the expedited passport. my driver knew exactly where to go and what to do. he was also a Christian, so we had great conversation on our $40 trip. my second cab drivers name was emmanuel (i guess God needed to remind me He was with me).

there is a beautiful picture of a view (from a hotel that is not ours) on the wall behind me. i am almost ready to brave going upstairs to see my room now. nite nite.
He was supposed to be on a plane into Quito at 8:41 this morning, arriving in Quito at 9:35. It looks as though he may make it to join the rest of the mission team yet.

I just heard from him and he has arrived safe and sound in Quito. He has already enjoyed a trip to the grocery and is now awaiting the arrival of the rest of the team back to "base camp" from their first VBS at the Dump. Praise God for a long, but safe journey!!!!!


Michelle said...

Bless his heart! I can't even imagine!!! I myself don't go to downtown Atlanta nor do I fly. I am glad that he has been able to see God at work and he's in great hands! I was thinking about the Ecuador team today so I'm glad for the update!

Love the toy migration! Let us know if you need anything while Craig is gone.