Monday, August 24, 2009

Just You and Me Today, Mommy

A couple of weeks ago, I was given a wonderful offer from our friend Cacee. She invited Xander over to play with her son Asher one day once Trinity was in school so I could have some one-on-one time with Kalyn. As I thought about it (trust me, I quickly accepted), I realized that Kalyn has very little one-on-one time with either Craig or I. I mean, since Xander's arrival almost three years ago, she's always been with at least one other child. I was really looking forward to surprising her with a day of just me and her.
After we dropped Xander off, who was very excited about going to Asher's house, we had to run a quick errand in Target before the fun began. She was skipping down the isle singing, "Just you and me today, Mommy. Just you and me today, Mommy." It make my heart just melt. She was ecstatic about our plans. But, even though the day was just for her, she was thinking about her siblings. While we were at Target, I let her choose a special treat for herself from the dollar area. She quickly asked me if she could get something for Xander and Trinity as well. So sweet!! (By the way, she choose a bubble gum chap stick for her, a grape chap stick for Trinity and a Spider man book for Xander.)

Our first bit took us to the playground. She got to choose which area we played in. She got do really whatever she wanted. It took her a little bit to get used to playing without Xander and Trinity around, but she had a blast. She climbed up the plastic rock wall. She slid down huge slides. She got to be pushed on the swings. She went her speed on the tire swing. She ran around and climbed up and down.

Then it was lunch time. We decided to go to Chick-Fil-A so she could play on the playground. Yummy food!!

After lunch, we headed to Lifetime to enjoy some time in the pool. It was pretty empty, so that was a really nice plus. We got to spend some very focused time working on her swimming without a float. She was getting so good! We splashed, we jumped, we swam, we played follow the leader. There was a lot of laughter and tons of smiles.

Kalyn in action ~

After a while at the pool, we had to head back to pick up Xander and head home. Xander was not without lots of fun either. He had a grand time with his buddy. They played cars, blocks and even made cookies. Asher is an only child and I'm not sure whether Cacee or Asher enjoyed having Xander there. It was a great day. Thank you, Cacee, many times over for this wonderful opportunity!!


wlrdew said...

This is the sweetest post ever. I just love the first pic of the two of you together.

Amy said...

Ditto...I love the first photo of you two!

Meredith said...

One on one, Mommy and me days are so special. Yeah for you and Kalyn.