Friday, August 14, 2009

The Bestest Day Ever

During Trinity's first day, I had planned to meet a couple of my friends at the gym for a hard workout and then take all the kids to the pool. Well, half of that worked out - the workout half. Unfortunately, when we headed to the pool, we found out that the hours had been changed and it would not be opened for another hour. So, we made a quick decision to take all the kids to a nearby park. Now, my kids are usually pretty flexible when changes come up (although often associated with many questions about the changes) and the park was a lot of fun, but Kalyn and Xander were very sad that they were not going to get to enjoy the pool.

So, we decided to wait and take the whole family to the pool that afternoon. We thought it would be a good "celebration" of Trinity's first day and would allow the younger two to still enjoy the pool that had been promised that morning. What a great time we had.

Throughout the summer, Kalyn has been swimming with a swimming-vest float. She's done great with it. She loves her float. Well, when we got to the pool, she told us that she didn't want her float. Not a problem in the zero-entry and shallow end. However, then she said that she didn't want it, she wanted to swim without her float. First, she wanted to try and touch the bottom of the deeper end (4'9" deep). She held her breath and touched the bottom. She was so excited about feeling the bottom!! So then we tried her hand and swimming.

And suddenly, she did. She stuck her head underwater and began kicking. Within a couple of moments, she was swimming between the edge of pool and Craig and I. She was so excited!! Our next hurdle is getting her to take a breath. She'll swim as far as she can and come up gasping for air when she gets to her destination. One step at a time.

As she was standing on my legs, she looked up at the clouds in the sky. Very loudly, she exclaimed, "There's God. He's up there." Then she began calling out His name - "God, Gooood." "I love God soooooo much!!" She continued with the following statements, "Before, I couldn't touch the bottom, now I can. Then I couldn't swim, and now I can. Isn't this the bestest life EVER, Mommy?"

I thought that was the best reminder. So often, I get bogged down with struggles of the day, whether it's arguing, whining, disobedience, bad attitudes or general frustrations. However, the days are fleeting quickly. So, yes, amid the hard moments and the mountain top highs, I can clearly and confidently say, "Yes, this is the bestest life ever."


Ashley said...

I teared up just reading that story! I love it so much!

wlrdew said...

O wow...I just love this. Don't you love seeing your kids grow up in the is a wonderful feeling...