Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hometown Founder's Day Celebration

Craig and I have begun running 5K races. We don't really do it for a competition, but for "fun". We try and improve with each run, but we aren't vying for a blue medal. A few months ago, we were scanning a website of upcoming races and came across one in Craig's hometown. It coincided with the town's birthday and the race would be accompanied with a parade and a little festival. Being that Craig's parents would be there, it would allow us to both run together. So, we planned to head down for the race and the surrounding festivities.

We drove down Friday afternoon and spent a bit of time in the pool. Trinity has made such success this summer with her swimming. While we were playing, Trinity jumped off the diving board without anyone to catch her or any flotation item. We were so proud of her. Plus she is improving so much with her strokes. It was a great afternoon of relaxing and fun!!
Trinity's leap off the board - way to go, girl!!!
Xander goes airborne

Saturday morning, Craig and I were up nice and early to head off to the race. The night before we had driven downtown to see if the route had been marked off. All we saw were the start and end banners. The bad thing was that the finish line was on a hill. A HILL??? Who ends a 3.1 mile race on a hill? That is just wrong.
Ready to start

We did well. We improved our time a bit from and walked less than our last run. After the race, we met Craig's parents and the kids to watch the parade. Everyone had a blast picking up the candy being thrown out. We ended up with tons of candy, most of which will probably be thrown away. It was fun for Craig to run into tons of people he grew up with - including former teachers, principals and lots of friends. I think he enjoyed showing off his cute kids as well.
Waiting for the parade to begin

Shriners' car
Picking up (tons of) candy from the parade
Xander loved the tractors
Kalyn tried to blow a bubble with her gum (not quite so successfully though)
We all got homemade ice cream at the fair from a local church booth
All the kids got free face painting
Kalyn got her name and a rainbow, Trinity got a rainbow and a balloon and Xander got a smiley face