Friday, August 14, 2009

First Day Of School

Yep, it was that time. Time to reset the alarm. Time to pack the backpack and lunchbox. Time to pick out clothes and have them laid out. Time to send Trinity off to second grade. She has been looking forward to Monday morning for about a week. I am very thankful that she enjoys school, even when she has those bad days.

Ready for the first day~
Waiting at the bus stop.

One of our concerns for the new year was her bus driver. Last year's driver was a bit . . . well, how do I say it . . . discombobulated. There were a number of times when she forgot to put out the "stop" sign when she stopped for Trinity to get on the bus - a huge problem since Trinity has to cross the road to her bus. She was very kind, giving Trinity gifts throughout the year, just a bit on the nervous side. We were very thankful to see a new driver and she seems to be very confident and comfortable driving the bus.
She had a great day at school. There are a number of kids she already knows which may help in her new class. We'll see what fun things and new challenges come up over the upcoming year!!