Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dance Lessons - Week Two

Saturday, July 25th brought our second week of dance lessons at our local library. We had such a fun time the prior week, we couldn't wait to go back for this session. We were scheduled to learn the Swing and the Cha-Cha.

Not only was it a great opportunity to learn a new dance, but it was a wonderful chance for Craig and I to do something together, just us. We laughed a lot during the lesson and overall had a blast. Here's a short clip of what we learned with the Cha-Cha.

We're trying to practice enough to remember what we were taught. We were even talk about having our friends over to teach them what we've learned - all 10 steps or so. Sounds like it might be fun!


Amy said...

Aren't ya'll cute!! And, I'll have you know that the word verification on this comment is "friggen". Seriously?!?!