Friday, October 30, 2009

She's Lost Another One

Our family was not the only thing on the move this weekend. One of Trinity's teeth was too. We kept having to remind Trinity to get her fingers away from her wiggly tooth. We asked a couple of times if she wanted Craig to pull it, but we were nixed each time. Sunday night, Trinity tried to pull it herself (she pulled the last one). She twisted, turned and pulled (a little). Unfortunately, it stayed put.

Monday night, Craig and the kids sat down on the couch to do their bedtime routine while I was at handbell practice. Xander went to sit next to (or onto) Trinity and BANG! His head hit her mouth and (you guessed it) the tooth came out. The agony of the loose tooth was over. However, I hear rumors of one more loose tooth, so we may be revisiting this moment sooner than later.