Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ice Skating with the Girlz Ministry

We have a ministry within our youth ministry that is focused on our girls called Girlz InC (which stands for Identity in Christ). We try to encourage our female students to live who they are in Christ, not based on how the world says they should live. I've really enjoyed being a part of this.

On January 3rd, our outing took us downtown to go ice skating. I was excited about going ice skating at the outdoor rink until that morning when I found out the high was going to be about 20 degrees. BRRRRRRRRRRR. This Florida girl really doesn't do well in cold temperatures.

We had such a blast!! We began with a delicious lunch at the Varsity. An added plus is that we ran into some friends and had the chance to catch up with them for a bit.

The skating was so much fun. I can't remember the last time that I went ice skating. The rink wasn't too crowded, so it was nice. I decided that a good skater is one who can stay up on skates. A great skating is one who can avoid all the crazy skaters around them. I had a great time catching up with some of the youth and other leaders. We had tons of laughs!!

The rink

I had lots of fun with Laura and Teri

Our group

On the way out, we grabbed another group picture by the frozen pond

What a great outing!!! Thanks girls!!!!