Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Three Teeth Gone

Trinity has been messing with her third loose tooth for a few weeks now. Monday, it was very loose. As in she could turn it a full 90 degrees. Not the best trick at the dinner table. After she finished eating, she left the table and immediately headed to the bathroom to watch her dangling tooth. Craig offered to pull it. She did not want that.

A few moments later she returned, tooth in hand. Yes, she had pulled it out herself. I was so impressed. I don't think I ever pulled out a tooth on my own. She put it in her special tooth pillow - she was so proud. Unfortunately, the tooth fairy had a busy night and didn't get to her pillow by the time Trinity woke up the next morning. Fear not though, the fairy made it by the
time she had finished breakfast. She looks so cute with her front tooth missing. Her other one is loose and we're trying to keep her from messing with it constantly.