Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Welcome Geof - New Pictures

Join with me in welcoming precious little Geoffery Alan Heinz into the world.

This precious little bundle of joy is the new son of our dear friends Llew and Lisa Heinz. He arrived at 1:20 this morning weighing in at 5 lbs, 16 oz and measuring 18 inches long. Lisa and Geof are both doing fine after a wild welcome into the world at 36 weeks (go early deliveries that turn out safe).

Congrats Llew, Lisa and big brother Ben!!!


Craig, Xander and I headed over to the hospital this morning after dropping Kalyn off at preschool. Geof slept the whole time, except for a few flutters of the eyes. He was adorable. Xander wanted to see him and also asked if he could "open him." Apparently, Geof had too many blankets for Xander's liking. Lisa was doing very well and looked great! Here are a couple of new pictures!