Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mom's Day Part Two

I have to say that I had a wonderful Mother's Day. My morning began with my wonderful hubby bringing me breakfast in bed! A true treat! A little bit later, my precious children came in to wish me a happy mother's day. The girls had notes that Trinity had written for each of them. However, they were quickly curious to find out why I got to eat in bed.

We had an amazing worship time at church. Our pastor had a great lesson from 1 John2:3-17. We're in the midst of a series entitled, "Can I know that I know God?" The points on Sunday were (1) Am I conforming to His image? and (2) Am I practicing His love? One part of the sermon that spoke most to me was the idea of love - the idea of being full of goodwill and desiring to share that goodwill as well as being unwilling to abandon, prizing someone above all else. I thought these were amazing definitions and a true challenge to us believers.

As we were driving home from church, Craig asked what I would like to do. I said that I'd like to have a simple picnic lunch on our back porch, then everyone lay down for a nap, then head to the park and an easy dinner out. So, that's what we did.

Only deviation was a trip to pick out my gift. I had told Craig a few months ago that I wanted a new picnic basket. Our current one, we received as a wedding gift - almost 13 years ago. However, I would not have thought it so difficult to find one. He searched online and found some, but most were very expensive, filled with items we didn't really need. We spent one morning jumping from shop to shop without a picnic basket in site. So, he offered up the option of getting a new basket-sized cooler. However, he wanted me to pick it out, so we did.

Then we headed to the park. Our neighborhood park has a great playground and lots of room for the kids to run around . . . unless their is a huge lacrosse tournament going on. Which apparently there was. It was chaos, a madhouse. I just couldn't believe it - that first of all, someone would schedule a tournament on mother's day weekend and secondly, that so many would participate. We sat, slowly inching our way through the park, only to turn around and leave 30 minutes later. The park was completely packed - way beyond any capacity it could possibly hold.

So, we left and headed to Trinity's school - they have a nice little park that's open to the public. We pulled into the parking lot to find what else, but an extension of the lacrosse tournament. Crazy!!! However, the playground was completely empty and we had a great time playing.

We finished the night with a relaxing dinner at Sonic - which included a free dessert for me!! YA!!! We came home and got to open the gifts that the girls had made for me at school. Kalyn gave me a scrapbook of her year at preschool. It included pictures, drawings and memorabilia from her year. Trinity gave me a booklet entitled, "I love my mom" and a very pretty drawing. They loved their gifts as much as I did.

It was a great finish to a great day. I pray that each of my mom readers out there had a blessed mother's day!