Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mom's Day Part One

This year was a pretty special year because we got to see both sets of grandmothers near Mother's Day. We usually spend Saturday down with Craig's parents, but Thursday, we got a semi-surprise visit from my parents. They were on their way through town (meeting some of their Orlando friends in Perry, GA) and we were trying to fit up a time to meet them during their drive through. We loved the chance to see them, but they were also carrying a didgeridoo for me. (Side story - our church's VBS is Australian themed and my sister visited Australia about 8 years ago and bought this Australian instrument. So, I wanted to borrow it and this was the best - or only - way to get it down here.) It was a short visit (just a few hours), but it was a true blessing to be able to spend some time with Mom and Dad!!

Friday, we picked Kalyn and Trinity up from school and headed out of town to see Craig's parents. It was a part visit and part work trip. Craig's dad collects coins, so Friday night Craig and created a inventory list of what he has. It was very interesting to hear stories behind some of the family heirlooms. Craig did a lot of landscape work around the house on Saturday morning. We even got to visit with two of his best friends from high school - Rance and Sam. Rance brought along his new little girls Tessie. Isn't she adorable?!?

Sam had his wife Laurie and their four children with them - Josiah, Emma, Eliott and Lydia. It was truly a blessing to be able to catch up with these friends, if just for a little bit.

Saturday afternoon, we celebrated Mother's Day with Craig's parents. They are still decorating their new house and we got her some new rooster items - a bowl and two decorative trivets. She loved them. Then, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at Ryan's with the parents and Craig's grandmother. It was a great time together.