Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Day Without Kids

Last Saturday was my second 5K run and a first for Craig and I to run together. I was looking forward to it, but about two weeks prior to the run, I could tell that I hadn't been training appropriately. I was excited about running for little Grant and seeing my friends Brooke, Amy and Brad. Saturday morning, we got up early, had a good breakfast and headed out to Marietta for the run.

the reason we ran - little Grant

Craig and I with Brooke and Joey

team run for Grant

We were pleasantly pleased to also see Brooke's husband, Joey, at the run. We checked in and a bit later began our run. It was a little harder run than my first one. I attribute that to a late night the night before and not training as much as I should have. However, it was a great time with friends and Craig. Craig was wonderful enough to even walk with me during some of the event. We finished together, hand in hand. Our time was 32:49, just under a minute less than my last run. In the end, I was actually more energized in finding our next 5K and training more for it.

hanging out before the run

ready to run

the run in progress

coming in to the finish line

all done

Following the run, there was a great little festival with food, drinks, Icees and giveaways. We were able to stay around for the awards ceremony and the raffles. We-okay, really Craig-won a brunch for four people at a great restaurant. We can't wait to enjoy it one day. It was a great time for Craig and I to simply enjoy the festivities.

Craig and his winning brunch certificate

Afterwards, we headed home and debated what to do with our free day. A whole day - no kids. The options are endless. We checked what movies were playing, but nothing really sparked our "have-to-see" interest. We decided that a nap would be in our best decision for the rest of the day. And it was wonderful!!!! Rarely, do we get two to three hours of completely uninterrupted time to simply rest. Our back door was open and we were able to enjoy listening to the light rain outside. Perfect!!

Following our nap, we headed over to a graduation party for one of our 15 seniors from church. We've known Kate and her family since we've been at Crabapple. I can't believe that she's graduating. She's been a great sitter for our kids and we've enjoyed lots of time together through youth trips and dinners out.

That night, we got the chance to hang out with two of our former youth, David and Christy. We had a great time of amazing fellowship, yummy smores and encouraging conversation. We pulled out old pictures and got to reminisce about some times from a while ago. It was exciting to hear about their plans for sharing God's love overseas. It has been exciting to watch them grow and blossom in wonderful ways! Sometimes when the youth work gets tough, it's good to be reminded that it's all worth it!