Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Craig's Birthday Celebration

Last Tuesday, we celebrated Craig's birthday. Actually, it was a bit of a hard day for him. He usually takes Ansleigh and Kalyn to school. About five minutes after he left, I got a call to come pick up the girls. He was given the "opportunity" to chat with one of our wonderful Department of Transportation police officers. Because he is drives a vehicle and trailer that is over a certain length, he is held to a commercial vehicle standard. The vehicle inspection officer can stop him at anytime for simply an inspection. It is a pretty lengthy inspection and today it lasted almost an hour (which is why I got to go pick up the girls). The blessing is that he wasn't given a ticket for anything. He was given a citation and had to get two new trailer tires before he could really begin his work day.

That morning, when I reminded Trinity to wish Craig a happy birthday, she asked if we were going to make him a cake. So, we made him a cake. Trinity had lots of fun helping me mix the ingredients and Kalyn helped with sprinkles. We had some family fun with the cake and giving Craig his special gifts.

His gifts included some new ponytail holders, a new flagpole and a new t-shirt. (All you former Align Center80's children should be able to read it and interpret.)

Craig and I headed out for dinner, just the two of us. We had a gift certificate to Brookwood Grill, a nice restaurant near our house and we simply went and enjoyed a delicious meal. It was so nice to just sit and relax from the craziness of the day and chat for a while. We closed out our evening with a trip to Blockbuster and the viewing of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". It may have started out negatively, but ended on a good note.