Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Xander's Stylin

Boys are very different than girls. I know that's a very obvious statement, but it seems each day I am finding more and more ways that Xander is truly all boy. He loves his cars. He can spot (or hear) and motorcycle before anyone else in the car (yes, even over his sisters' chatting). He loves his bucket of sports balls. He loves to be with Daddy and do everything like Daddy.

Another big different is in the area of hair. With both girls, they were probably around three before they had their first haircut. Now while Craig does have long hair, a toddler boy with long hair is a bit of a special story. So, we've had to adjust to giving him more trims and more frequently than the girls. This week, we looked at Xander and admitted that it was that time to pull out the trimmer and scissors.

Craig has become quite the barber. For the most part, Xander sits pretty still during the process. However, this time we had a little bit more fun. Here is Xander's new look!
And for those slightly harder rocker times -

Over the past week, he has sometimes asked for his hair to be "up" or "down". At one point, we were walking into the gym with it up when he started crying (I think it was about having to hold my hand in the parking lot). I turned to him and attempted to explain to him that he couldn't be a hard rocker and still cry about silly things. Unfortunately, I'm not sure he fully got it, but he did stop the whining (for a moment). Rock on, Little Man. Rock on.


Ashley said...

He is a hard rocker all the time! Love it!

wlrdew said...

LOVE it! He looks so much like Craig to me...