Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is our wedding anniversary. Yep, thirteen years ago, Craig and I were in my former church in downtown Orlando, getting ready to open this new chapter in our life. What a ride we've been on.

For a crazy reason, I'm having a hard time with this blog. I mean, how do I put into words what these thirteen years have meant? We've grown so much - as a couple, as a family, as two individuals. We've founder a deeper commitment that we couldn't possibly fathom when we said our vows. We've supported each other, encouraged each other and stood beside one another.

How do I put into words how much I love my husband? He makes me laugh. He makes me smile. He challenges me. He listens to me. He makes me talk. He is faithful. He is patient. He loves our kids. He is an amazing handyman and can fix just about anything. He lets me have girl time with my friends. We minister along side one another. He leads our family in wonderful ways. He is a true gift. He lets me cry when I need to and cries with me when we both need to. However, this does not come close to expressing all that he means to me. There just isn't enough space and nowhere near the words needed to voice them outloud!
I have enjoyed the past thirteen years. Here's a quick look at where we've been ~
Our Wedding Day

Our Honeymoon at St. Simons Island

5 Years Together (2 months before Trinity was born)

10 Years Together (one week before Xander was born)
13 Years Together

I am greatly looking forward to where God takes us in the future.
Happy Anniversary, Honey!!!
I love you!!!


Ashley said...

It snuck right past me! I feel like I just congratulated you guys on 12 years...where does the time go?! I love you both!

Anonymous said...

We love you both and are so proud of you!!

Mom and Dad