Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Farewell for Chris

Last Sunday, we got to share in a celebration and farewell luncheon for one of our church's recent graduates, Chris. (And before you ask, no we were not celebrating Chris's departure.) It has been quite a treat to watch Chris grow over the past 6 years through the youth ministry. That's probably one of our favorite things about working with youth - seeing where they come from and where they go.

It was a relaxed outdoor lunch at one of the nearby parks. The luncheon was a great time to wish him well and fellowship with friends. The kids got to play on the playground, which was a big thrill for them.

On Sunday, August 30th Chris heads off to Parris Island for boot camp for the Marines. We are very proud of the decision he's made to go into the military. We know it will be hard for him, but he will be covered in prayer by many.

Way to go, Chris!!!