Monday, August 11, 2008

She's Off

It's finally official. We have a first-grader in the house. This morning, we started our day a bit earlier than we did a few days ago and kicked off Trinity's new school year. As I was passing the bathroom after Trinity had brushed her teeth, I noticed she was talking, quite animatedly, to the mirror while holding her toothpaste up and explaining how to work the toothpaste. I asked her who she was talking to. She responded, without taking her eyes away from the mirror and spoke out of the corner of her mouth (so those in the mirror couldn't tell) "Mom, I'm pretending to be on the commercial." Yep, this is my life. This is what I am up against in my house.

Last week, we had the opportunity to meet her teacher and I loved her. Her teacher looks like she will be great!! She really encourages a sense of community in the classroom, by starting the day with a class meeting time, where every student greets another student and pays them a compliment. I am anxious and excited to hear about her first day in her new class with a bunch of new friends.

So how did Kalyn and Xander fair without their third partner around? Pretty well. We tried to make this day more fun than anything. I folded some laundry, which turned into creating capes out of fitted sheets.

Kalyn and Xander climbed all over me - until I had to cry uncle.
We played puzzles, to try and work on teaching Kalyn some letters before preschool starts in a few weeks.

We payed hide-and-go-seek, which turned into "Kalyn-grab-something-she's-not-supposed-to-have-and-hide-with-it-until-she's-found".
After Xander laid down after lunch, Kalyn and I got to play with her (and Trinity's) Cabbage Patch Kids and then closed it out with a good story before nap.
It was a full morning. Kalyn did say that she missed Trinity (and Daddy). Tonight I think we're going to do a special night out to celebrate the first day! I'll let you know how the first day turned out!