Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Twelve years ago today, Craig and I became Mr. & Mrs.
During that time, we have been on quite a trip, filled with ups and downs and lots of memories. We have shared our journey with lots of amazing friends and are thankful for their encouragement, support and examples. We have learned what works for us (and what doesn't). We have served together, cried together, laughed together, travelled together and have made it through all!

Happy 12th anniversary, honey!
Thanks for leading our family!
I love you and am looking forward to so many more years together!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary guys. It has been a blessing in my life and my and that of my family to now you as frinds and for me personally to have the chance to serve with you at church. I love you both. And I want to tank you for the example you set as a married couple.