Thursday, January 14, 2010

Monster Truck Show

While the girls were home, busily sewing together their stuffed animals, Xander was off. Doing boy stuff. With his boy buddy. He was a monster truck show. About a month ago, our friends invited Xander to join them at a monster truck show as part of an early birthday gift to their son. From the stories and pictures, it looked like they all had a great time!!

They got to ride on MARTA on the way down. Fun on a train (type of vehicle)

Let the loud noises and the show begin!! I heard that Xander stared at the trucks the whole time, completely mesmerized. He had little ear plugs in to help keep the noise down to a slightly tolerable level.

How cute are these two boys?!? Can you tell they are having so much fun? Here they are with their Monster Mutt hats and the truck that inspires the hats. Thank you so much to Asher's grandma for the great gift!!

Thank you so much John and Cacee for treating Xander to such a special and wonderful night. You guys are awesome! He was completely exhausted when he arrived back home, but it sure looks like it was worth it!!