Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Spouse's Day

Tuesday night, Craig and I had scheduled a date night. We found out that morning that it was National Spouse's Day. How perfect!!

Our date nights are nothing too spectacular usually. We like it that way. We really simply enjoy the opportunity to have some time to get some yummy food and enjoy some conversation without a mommy or daddy every 10 seconds. We had so much to talk about it was a great night out.

When we got home, we headed out to relax in the hot tub. We decided to just ask questions of one another. What's the most fun you've had with us together - as a couple, with friends, with the family? What are you most thankful for in the other person? What is God teaching right now? One would ask and then both would answer. It was a great chance to just talk about such a wide array of things. What a gift I have in my wonderful husband!!