Friday, January 9, 2009

Fitness Updates

This week, Craig and I were able to have our fitness evaluation with LifeTime. It was pretty interesting to see where we stood as we begin this journey into a slightly healthier lifestyle. We completed a number of evaluations on our cardiovascular, flexibility, bicep strength, BMI, body composition and our overall fitness level. It also gave us our "body age". Now for people who haven't been on a regular workout regimen (who am I kidding? ANY workout regimen), we didn't do too badly. We need to work on our flexibility and on our cardiovascular levels. On the overall fitness result, I scored at the top of the "average" range, one point away from good and my body age is 36-one year older than I actually am. Craig also scored in the average range on his overall fitness result with a body age of 38-two years older than he is. The nice thing is it points out what we need to work on to get those ages down. Now, it's time to really get to work.

Well, it's official. Yesterday, I sent off my registration for my first 5K. My goal is simply to do as best as I can. I am not at all above walking some of it, but I want to try and run as much as I can. There's only eight weeks until the race and I am working on getting in shape for it. I was at the gym three days this week working out. It's excruciating, but I know it will be worth it. I am really excited about doing my first run and am also looking forward to the next on in April. I am already grateful to my great "trainer", Jennifer. She's even volunteering to run the race with me as well as helping me get ready for it.

Today in our workout at the gym, I decided to see if I could even complete 3.1 miles on the treadmill. I wasn't too concerned with time, I just wanted to see how I would feel at the end and if I could get to the end. I'm happy to say that I did make it. I choose to alternate between walking and running, 5 minutes each. As I progressed, I was even able to raise my speeds and do most of it running on a slight (1) incline. I was so glad to know that I go simply do the 3.1 miles and still be able to walk when it was all over. I know how long that took me (49:30 minutes), so now I'm working on dropping that number by upping my running time and lowering my walking time in my cardio days.

This weekend, we have Corduroy visiting with us. Corduroy is the bear mascot of Kalyn's preschool class. Starting this week, he heads home with a student each weekend. Kalyn's was the first one to bring him home. We get to document what he does with our family over the weekend and add it to his notebook that he travels with. It was fun to look back and see him with Trinity three years ago. It's funny to try and plan things to do with a stuffed bear that will make it exciting for the book!


Michelle said...

Way to go!! You'll do fine running the 5K in March!! I'm proud of you for starting your fitness plan and goals!! That's great!!