Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kalyn Raine Makes It To Four

Dear Kalyn,

Today you turned four years old. We are really excited that you have made it to this point. It has been amazing watching you grow and develop. You are such a creative little person, continually wanting to do things your way. You enjoy trying to keep up with the bigger, older kids. No limitations are going to stop you. You have such a unique way at looking at things. Your comments and conversations always keep us on our toes and more often than not a smile on our faces.

We've been through some tough times. You persevered when you had to wear patches on your eyes to strengthened them. You made it through surgery when the patches weren't enough. You gave us a scare when you decided to try some Tylenol you found laying around - which has made us much more careful about locking up cabinets and drawers. We weren't sure if you were going to be potty trained in time to head to three-year old preschool. But you made it. Through all of it.

You always want to do all the things Trinity does, ignoring the almost three year gap between you. You try to teach Xander the things you know. You love being with your friends. You love to be loud and rambunctious. You love to run. You love to dance. You love to laugh. You love to put on the Nemo CD and "read" along in the book. You'll stand your ground against anyone. You are your own individual.

It will be interesting to watch you grow, develop and challenge even more. We'll keep on praying for you. We will try to lead you down the right path, but we know the final decision is up to you. We hope to give you the tools you'll need when you get older. There will be struggles as you try to do things yourself under your guidelines. Remember that we always love you, more than we can put into words.

Happy Fourth Birthday. We look forward to celebrating many more with you.

Daddy and Mommy


Anonymous said...

This is all so true about Kalyn! She is such a mess and a hoot but we love her so much!