Sunday, September 27, 2009


Wednesday was the national See You At The Pole day. A day for students to gather together and pray for their school, classmates, teachers and administration. I took Trinity last year and wanted to take her again this year. Before we left the house, together we made a list of ways that she could pray.

Her list was:

  • my teachers - more money for classroom and some will follow Jesus and patience
  • friends - bless - Jesus learn more {that God would bless them and they would learn more about Jesus}
  • me - teach Jesus - be good student and friend

It touched my heart to watch her and listen to her pray for her school. It encouraged me to see her stand alone at her flagpole and boldly pray. She wasn't shy or embarrassed as she stood in front of the carpool drop off spot. I know that God is going to use her in such special ways. I am simply thankful that He's allowing me to watch His hand in action!!