Tuesday, June 10, 2008

VBS Prep Day

I know you're thinking that this really doesn't look like prep work for VBS, but it is, kind of. This year, I am teaching the completed first graders with my friend, Lisa. We felt that we needed to have a day to get ready and get some type game plan organized for VBS (which is next week). In order to try to have so productive time during children's rest times, we need to make sure that THEY are quiet during their rest times. So what better way than to wear them out in the morning. So, we gathered all our VBS and pool stuff together and headed over to her neighborhood for some exciting pool time. Since we don't have a pool and don't belong to a neighborhood that has one, this was a treat for my kids. We had a blast splashing and actually practicing the swimming components the girls learned in their lessons. Xander just floated around the pool in his float. He has a hard life.

Well, the plan worked and all the kids (my three and her one - Ben) seemed pretty worn out after lunch. So, we put them all down and then we pulled out all the VBS books, cutouts and fun add-ons. We actually got through the entire week - in discussion and I am so looking forward to next Monday. I can't wait until Friday night when Craig and I head up to decorate my room.

Tonight we'll be heading out as a family do to a VBS blitz at one of the neighborhoods near the church with the prayerwalking group of Crabapple. Craig's been to a few of the prayerwalking nights this summer, but it will be a first for the kids and I. We'll simply be putting flyers out for VBS, so we think that the kids will enjoy it (or at least won't hate it). I'm glad we're getting a night together and doing something together for God's Kingdom.