Tuesday, June 17, 2008

VBS Kick-Off

Know the Truth! Speak the Truth! Live the Truth!
Welcome to Outrigger Island!!
Whatever you want the catch phrase of the week to be, it's here. We've blitzed, we've prepared, we've decorated and now VBS '08 is well underway. I am so excited about this year. I think once I get through the first day, I'm always excited about the students I have and the wonderful ways they are hearing the Truth about God, His Son and the salvation He offers.

I'm one of those parents who loves getting pictures of my kids with the decorated set each year, but this year I did it the first day! Ya!! One less thing to think about later this week. Craig and I went up and decorated my room on Friday night and had a blast (once we actually got all our stuff together and got to work). I think Craig was actually more excited about decorating that I was. I love the way my room turned out - Craig made me a volcano with actual flames (okay, so a torch light with paper flames) and real smoke (okay, maybe a fog machine pointed upward). It is just awesome!!

I have 9 just completed first grade students this year and I am having a blast with them. They are really keeping Lisa and I on our toes. They are all about getting into the games and seem to actually be remembering parts of the Bible stories and Bible verses that we are teaching them - which is most exciting.

It's also interesting to come home and hear about what went on in the classes (or the minds) of Kalyn and Trinity each day. Monday as we asked each girl what they learned. Here are their responses -

Kalyn: I didn't learn anything.

Trinity: I learned that Jesus loves me. (While yes, this is true, I knew that wasn't the story focus of the day. So, upon further questioning, she actually answered with a more truthful answer of "I learned about Moses. And I saw that movie last night. Little Mo took his staff and the sea opened up.")

I know that this week will be crazy busy and very exhausting, but it will all be worth in as we all plant spiritual seeds in these precious kids. Let the excitement continue!!!!