Monday, June 9, 2008

Jumping On The Bandwagon

Yes, I'm jumping on the bandwagon of family blogspots. Why? Am I swamped with extra time where I just want to journal away my day? Not quite. But, after great thought, I'm diving into this new endeavor. I'm on Facebook where I can find out what my friends are doing at a moment's glance. My friends have blogspots where I can see what they've been up to, even when I don't have a chance to give them a call. Now, I'm not sure how many people will actually be interested in reading the daily happenings of our family, but in the past few weeks, I have come across more and more small things that I would like to keep fresh in my memory. However, looking at my daily life, that memory window seems to be getting smaller and smaller each day. I also found myself thinking, "If I had a blogspot then I would write about this fun thing we did today. But I don't. So I won't." After I went through a few days of that, I figured, why not jump on the blogging bandwagon, if not for my own daily record of our going-ons. So, here we go. I can't promise that there will be updates everyday. I'll do my best, though. So, come along or the ride on the wagon with us!


Whitlamy said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to keep up with you guys!!!

Whitlamy said...

By the way, awesome blog title.

Michelle said...

I'll read your blog!! I'm a blog junkie! :) Glad that you are not waiting till the last minute to plan for VBS. HE HE.