The three on the hunt - Trinity finds one in the tree
Xander found one in the grass
Trinity filled up her basket pretty quickly
Kalyn discovers one in the flower pot
The clover hid one, but Xander found it
It was a great afternoon with family. We stayed down in Bowdon for a couple of days after Easter. The kids had a great time hanging out with Papa and Gendy during their spring break and Craig and I did some cleaning out work in their sheds. This was the final wave of reporting their loss from the tornado that hit their house almost two years ago. This was a hunt in itself. There was a lot of stuff to go through, figuring out what was damaged, what needed to be tossed out and what they wanted to keep.
Craig's dad had some dirt delivered while we were there. Watching the big dump truck brought everyone out into the yard . . . plus one of the wild turkeys from the forest behind the house!
It was a lot of work, but after four trips to the dump, it was well worth it!
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