Friday, November 14, 2008

Weekend Fun

It's time to start this weekend, but it's now time to get an updated from last weekend. We had a great weekend last time.
Saturday began with a call from one of our good friends, Jennifer. She and a few other friends were in a 5K run and the race took them just past our street. We gathered up the kids, pulled out some pompoms and went to the street to cheer on the racers. Not only did we see the people we knew were in the race (Chris, Jennifer, Kathy and Teri), but we also saw a woman from my MOPS table, another woman from our Sunday school, a mom of one of the girls in Kalyn's preschool and Trinity's principal. We had lots of fun cheering on the runners as they hit the half-way mark of the race.

Saturday afternoon was Kalyn's & Trinity's Joint Party, Part 2. This one went off without a problem. We had a great, relaxing time with some friends. We pulled out our jumpy house and let the kids run around outside - it was a beautiful fall day!!

After the party, we headed up to our church for our Fall Festival. It's always lots a fun chance for our kids to play games and win valuable prizes!!! We also use it as big outreach to our community. I think I heard that we had over 500 people come through. Yet one for chance to fellowship with our dear friends and have fun doing it!!

Like I said, we had a great Saturday!!