Six years ago yesterday, we were rushed down to the hospital to deal with my high blood pressure. A little over 24 hours later, we welcomed precious Kalyn into our lives. The midwives' goal was to get her to 35 weeks gestational and she made it - to the day. She's kept us on our toes ever since.
Kalyn is a such a gift. She is a crazy, wild bag of emotions - from ecstatic about the latest exciting thing to crying over a sad point of a movie. She is so tenderhearted, but knows exactly what she wants and is not afraid to say it. She is a constant musical show - dancing, singing and performing for whoever is around. She is loving kindergarten this year - all the new friends and new experiences it brings daily. She is always willing to try anything, wanting to do whatever those around her are doing.
Enjoy her year's montage!!
Happy 6th Birthday, Kalyn!!
We love you!!
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