Wednesday, August 6, 2008

They Think They're Growing Up

Last Friday, we had Trinity's 6 year check-up (okay only 6 months late). She was super excited not to have any shots, but did have quite some issues with the finger prick to check her iron level (which turned out to be fine). My favorite comment that our pediatrician usually says at the end of any of the kids' check-ups is, "Well, they are proportionate." Translation, they're small, but they're small all over. (I'll give all of you a chance to pick yourself up off the floor, since I know you are so surprised by that revelation.) Here are her stats:

height: 43.5 in (7th percentile)
weight: 38 lbs (5th percentile)

She is so excited about her new class. Her grade is huge - there are NINE first grade teachers. Each class has less than 20 students (I think last year they tried to keep the class sizes under 18 students), which is a good thing. It was pretty amazing to see that she only has one other student in her class from last year, but with so many students, it shouldn't be surprising. We'll going to meet her teacher, see her class and hear the curriculum presentation this week.

Don't try and tell Xander he's little. He thinks he can do just as much as everyone (especially his older sisters) can. As we were heading out of the house on Monday, he tried to help us pick up the picnic basket (which he was successful in moving across the kitchen floor)

and he thought he could open his own door to the car. So close.


Anonymous said...

looks like he's going to have heart of a man that will slay a bear or a lion to protect his father's sheep. somebody give that kid a sligshot. :)