This morning, I heard Xander's little feet bounding out of his room and saw his precious smile peer into my room. His face was beaming as he said, "It's my birfday!" He was so excited. He's been asking for almost a week, "Is today my birfday?" He knew today was the day.
Xander is a fan of anything that goes - motorcycles, firetrucks, monster trucks, really any kind of truck. There are days when he is disappointed that he doesn't get to ride in "Daddy's truck". He makes anything into a drum set. He is pretty much in constant motion and constant sound. He loves his superhero guys and playing dress up into various characters where he can fight off the bad guys himself. He is continually trying to keep up with his sisters. He gives wonderful hugs that start my days off on a wonderfully precious way.
This year, he began joining the AWANA program Cubbies and he is doing so well remembering his verses and saying them with such pride. He also began preschool - three days a week. He enjoys all the new friends he's able to meet and things he's able to do.
It has been such a blessing watching him grow this year. We look forward to watching him continue to become his own special person. Enjoy his past year in pictures!
Happy, happy happy fourth birthday, Xander!!
We love you so much!!